//If I don't say this now...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Love of the loveless...

Today we had some friends (Joel and his wife and kids) over for dinner. I made lasagna!

Okay, I oversaw the making of the lasagna.

My mother did the menial work.

It was nice seeing Joel, I haven't socialized in a while and it was just fun to sit back and enjoy being in the company of good people.

Jeez, aren't I beginning to sound like a sixty year old?

Anyway, onward to my spiel of the day.

These days I find myself getting kind of sick of people I know who are "in love". They parade it around like they've found the last prime number and act like it's the end of the world. I'm not annoyed because I'm bitter (which I'm not, I'm really not), I'm annoyed because I don't really believe it's genuine. I think it's nearly impossible for a person my age to honest to god love another person. Last I heard, that takes time and effort and living with the person and learning all of his/her bad habits and imperfections. It's not exactly all molasses and taffy.

Also, I'm starting to get the idea that a lot of the people I know are letting themselves fall into the belief that they're in love because they either 1) like the idea of being in love or 2) doubt they're capable of being loved and now that they've found it, are terrified to let it go.

Another thing, internet romance? Don't even go there.

Feel free to disagree. I don't know much about anything, really.


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