Friday, February 25, 2005
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
*does a celebratory dance*
Subject: Your score report on EX 2 in RL ST 001
Your total score was 48 out of 50.
The class average was 36.1.
The highest score was 48 and the lowest score was 15.
Of the 161 other students taking the test,
0 scored higher than you did,
2 had a score equal, and
159 scored lower than you.
Yes. Yes. YES.
I'm so thrilled. This is one of my toughest classes and I studied my freaking ass off for this exam. Who ever thought work actually pays off? :P
:D :D :D
Seacrest Out.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
You do know that you can comment on my posts, right?
I need to feel like I'm writing to someone and not just talking to myself.
So click, click, click that little 'Comments' link at the bottom of every post and comment your heart out. :D Pretty please?
Or maybe it's true. Maybe nobody does read what I write. Maybe I really am just talking to myself. Oh dear.
This is like one of the only weeks of this semester that I don't have an exam. I'm overwhelmed with the concept of having absolutely nothing to do. :D Yaay. This rocks.
You want to know another thing that rocks? Hershey's Twizzlers. Aren't they great? They're oh so very good and best of all, they're low-fat. I want a life-time supply. Hershey's, you better send me free stuff because I just advertised your product and everyone just knows that like, thousands of people read this blog.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Last week I bought a nice white-gold watch for 40 fucking dollars and it's fucking DEFECTIVE! It tells the time correctly for about six minutes then it slows down and I end up missing my afternoon class because I think it's 1:20 when it's actually 2:40. Grr. Kaufmann's is so gonna pay.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Sing about Karma.
Dare I say it? Has spring arrived?
This is all temporary. We'll probably be back to winter tomorrow.
Our world is constantly changing.
See, I've been studying Buddhism in my Intro to World Religions class and I find myself very fascinated by the logic and ideals that I've come to learn. You see, the ultimate goal for a Buddhist is Nirvana, liberation from the cycle of rebirth. One can achieve Nirvana only by the meditative realization that our existence is in a constant state of motion, of change.
I completely agree. BUT, I don't think that our minds are capable of seeing this continuous change. Our human mind perceives stability. We see something that's constant. And who is to say that stability isn't good? Western psychology preaches the need for stability.
I think we were created like this for a reason. If we always live in change, when do we ever get the chance to appreciate what we have in the moment?
I know it'll probably rain tomorrow, but I can still appreciate the sunshine today!
My ramblings don't make sense. Not even to me. :P Only someone like me would contradict ancient Buddhist ideals. There goes my Karma.
Friday, February 11, 2005
"Unbeing dead...
It's so cold and I am so very tired.
Thank God for weekends. Three weeks 'til Cali!
I'll be posting something longer a little later.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Semester at Sea.
I just found THIS amazingly incredible program.
It's literally a "semester at sea." You sign up to study an entire academic semester on a cruise ship that sails around the WORLD! You take classes and you study and everything, and you get to stop at all these different countries and places around the world (Hong Kong, Spain, Norway, The Bahamas.. to list a few).
Ohh.. I'm so excited to learn about this!
Wouldn't it be such an awesome experience?
Friday, February 04, 2005
Two sluts live here.
I live for weekends.

So earlier I was doing my laundry. Of course, to torture us to no return, the university only has laundry rooms in our dorm on the sorority floors. You see, sorority girls have way too many clothes for their own good. Too many clothes. Everytime I go to wash my clothes, I pray to God that I'll be blessed with a couple of vacant washing machines.
No such luck.
There might be one free washer... but I usually have three loads. So I'm usually stuck hauling my (freaking heavy) basket up and down the stairs and wandering around in sorority territory.
Today as I walked through their brightly colored halls (us normal people don't get to enjoy the novelty of painted walls), I noticed a sign on one of the doors. Now. I hold
Hey, at least they aren't afraid to identify with who they really are. :)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Ok, so I admit it.
But IN MY DEFENSE, I just suffered through an excruciatingly painful 90-minute lecture in a horribly hard chair. I could hardly move my head to look at the professor and my arm was stiff to a point where I gave up trying to write any notes. How fruitful. A few minutes into the torture, I slid down in my seat, closed my eyes, and prayed for the class to end.
As soon as I got out of there, I practically ran to the University Health Services. I picked up some 75 cent external analgesic balm and a large box of double strength Tylenol.
Now I smell like wintermint and I'm jacked up on aspirins. :)
The horror.
I have officially missed my first class this semester. I'm so incredibly bummed. I'm very much serious when it comes to resolutions. I haven't had a sip of coke or pepsi in about 3 years now, ever since I vowed never to drink any in 2002.
I just hope missing this class doesn't create a domino effect. Hey. I missed one class... what's the point in going to the next? Or the one after that? Or hey, any?
At least I have a (somewhat) valid excuse. I got up about an hour before I had to leave but lo and behold, I (physically) could not get out of bed. The first movement I made, my lower neck and back completely stiffened up and became painfully sore. Of course I would do this to myself. I always sleep in the most awkward of awkward positions (NO, not that type of awkward you perves). And then I whine and complain and curse the fates for making my back hurt. God damn you.
I lay there for a few seconds wondering what I should do. I tried to rub the pain away but quickly discovered that it wasn't going to make it any better. So.. I eased onto my stomach, burrowed myself in my comforter, and said to hell with class.
Oh how desperately I need a back massage and some Tiger Cream.