//If I don't say this now...

Monday, October 30, 2006

But this life offers so much more.

Yeah, the Dubai entry is gone. I don't know... it was just a bit too much than I intended to share with the world.

I've had a really quiet few nights in because I've been trying to avoid my moron of a stalker. God, why am I so unlucky when it comes to the male species? All they ever seem to want to do is stalk me. Ugh.

I've been spending the time writing a lot which I'm quite proud of. It's becoming easier for me to get my thoughts flowing which is great because as you know I'm the slowest writer in the world. I actually have a surprise coming up which I'm really excited about... weeee!

Otherwise, not looking forward to this week. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where love that travelled far had found me.

I re-read my previous entry and wow, do I suck at writing about Dubai. I'm really tempted to just delete the god forsaken thing but I won't for the time being.

I just got out of two exams. I'm feeling pretty positive which is saying a lot considering I studied for them this morning at 5AM. Isn't it becoming apparent that I suck at getting work done?

It's cool and rainy outside. Cold enough to make my fingers tremble just so and my toes curl in my tennis shoes but not cold to an obnoxious, ears falling off extent (yeah, PA winters still haunt me). A blog entry about the weather in Austin, now that I could do.

In other news, my fucking washing machine thingy is ruining my life. I have one of those combination washer/dryers since I got stuck in a handicapped unit and the stupid shitfaced thing won't dry my laundry properly. Everything comes out looking like Steve Buscemi. No joke. I don't understand how a piece of clothing could physically (according to the laws of physics) get so wrinkled. I even tried to iron some of the laundry, but my iron is a stupid piece of crap too. I suspect it's because it cost 5 bucks from Walmart.

Nearly all of my clothes are wrinkled beyond recognition now. I've resorted to wearing the old shit at the bottom of my drawer. And of course the morons at the maintenance office won't tell me when and if they're ever planning on replacing the stupid piece of shit dryer. Sigh. I'm going to go curl up in my (wrinkled) bed now.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Oh, what a tragic way.

Moritz, where are you! Damn Five Live. It's four and I'm still up waiting for you to come on.


I haven't posted in 10 days simply because I haven't had anything interesting to talk about. I still don't, but I don't want this journal to fall by the wayside again so I'll try to churn something out.

So what about that Paul Robinson, huh? Haha.

Other than watching Euro 2008 quals, this week has just been a barrage of school crap I needed to do. My procrastination, as usual, tended to war with the stress of work so I basically had a migraine all week. I'm just so god damn sick of studying, especially crap I could care less about.

So, anyway. I heard there's going to be a Fantastic Four 2 and an Iron Man movie? With Heroes on TV and all these movies, it gets me thinking... what's with all the comic/superhero worship these days? It's not even like their powers are that interesting or unique. Flying? Invisibility? Super strength? Boring.

If I could have any super power, I would want the ability to speak and understand all the languages on earth. Now that would be cool. And also I'd want to be able to magically switch my shitty Ohian accent to a Scouse one. Sound.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wage your war, wage your war.

My boxes arrived from Pennsylvania today.

Someone (my ex-roommate) fucking stole my DVD recorder and I'm really fucking pissed.

The delivery guy swore that there was never a DVD recorder box when he picked up the stuff. So either it spontaneously disintegrated into some realm of outer space, or someone conveniently forgot to show him that particular box.

When I asked my ex-roommate about it she responded, "what DVD recorder?" and acted like she hadn't a clue what I was talking about. Then she proceeded to tell me that I should be grateful that she, and I quote, "ran my errands for me... out of pity".

Of course. This is to say that I hadn't already apologized profusely for any inconveniences I caused and expressed over and over my extreme gratefulness for her help, all of which I did. But okay. Fine. Once again, I apologize that I cost you 15 fucking MINUTES of your life to point your finger and show the delivery guy where four fucking boxes were. Okay? Happy now? Go back to smoking your pot.

Now, I realize that it might seem a tad bit unfair to directly assume that it was she who stole my DVD recorder, but this is honestly just the cherry on top of all the fucking shit she's pulled on me. At this point, I'd trust the Devil himself over her.

And if it cements it any further, the delivery guy asked me out. Why would some guy who'd just stolen an expensive valuable from someone want to take that very person out to dinner? Wouldn't he, instead, want to get as far away as possible as soon as possible?

Ugh, I just really want my DVD recorder back. =(

For those of you interested in my thriving love life, I declined.

Edit: Some friends just informed me that yes, indeed there is a silver Sony DVD recorder at my ex-roommate's place (missing a remote... which I just so happened to pack in another box). I don't know... should I call the cops or let karma get her ass?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

You'll find it hiding in shadows.

There's my new schedule.
So I went to get some Thai take-out today. I took a look at the menu and ordered noodles and spring rolls, then I decided (for the first time ever) to take a chance and I asked for one of the more exotic-sounding menu items. It said shrimp roll with peanut sauce so I thought, hey, that doesn't sound so bad.

When I got home and opened up the take-out box, my appetite flew right out the window.

Ok... so I know I'm not exactly the best judge of food that's outside my comfort range, but I swear to god it looked like there was a placenta in there. In fact, look for yourself:

Now tell me that doesn't look like it came out of something's uterus.