//If I don't say this now...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Honey, why you calling me so late?

Fuck but my head hurts like a bitch.

So it's been an interesting week. I dropped a class for the first time ever since I started college. International communication. Ugh, I feel like throwing up just thinking about it. I barely did any of the readings and when I did, the only thing I could think was 'WTF? *cries*'. Also, he was a ridiculously harsh grader. Here is an excerpt from the introduction of my first writing assignment:
In this reading, Benedict Anderson dissects the genesis of the “modern nation”as we know it. He equates it to the interaction and interdependence of capitalistic movements and print with and to the emergence of the “fatality of human linguistic diversity”.

Yes, I pulled that out of my ass after reading the World's Most Complicated Chapter In Existence about the history of human liguistic diversity and how it led to the foundation of the modern nation. What the fuck, right? And I kept going in much the same manner for Three Fucking Pages. I spent almost an entire week trying to compose those three fucking pages and what do I get? 17 out of 40. SEVENTEEN out of fucking forty. That's like what, an F? I have never ever failed an assigment in my entire life.

My pride was massively injured. So, I just dropped the godforsaken class.

Uhh. What do you think that says about my reaction to a threat?


Some amusing pictures from this week:

Proof that I can fuck up just about anything in the kitchen.

(Click it) This is for Tima. I love the internet. I have no freaking clue what the 'balls' window was all about.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Treat your life like a tragedy.

Sometimes I just stare at my blog like I'm expecting it to magically update or something. Like someone will talk back one day.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Didn't even notice when the sky turned blue.

I decided to save 15 bucks today and I gave myself a haircut.

It wasn't too bad, except I think I cut off more than I intended. I miss my longer hair.. and it's a bit choppy too. Oh well. It'll grow back.

I went to this welcome dinner thingy tonight and met some student who lives at a co-op. He's leaving Austin in a few days and he was having a going away get-together so I tagged along. We went to the co-op first and I got a little tour and met a bunch of people then we went to this place called The Spider House. It was pretty cool. There was like a flash flood warning though so I was dragging my umbrella around everywhere. But it didn't even freaking rain so I kind of just looked like an idiot.

Ooh, but there was this one guy Leo who I might go to The Fray with. Can't wait.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Stutter something profound

Ok, I'm incredibly sleepy so I'll try to make this short.

Last night the stupid moronic fire alarm would not shut the fuck up. My new place is actually equipped with an extra shiny fire alarm that flashes blinding white light sort of like a police siren whenever it's activated. It went off at about 1:30AM and practically gave me a brain aneurysm. Funny thing that I'd basically just spent the entire day reminiscing about freaking 9/11, I woke up thinking we'd been hit by an atom bomb or something. So I stumbled out of bed, tripped on my laptop cable and almost knocked myself out cold. Yeah, I am definitely your number one person to turn to in a state of crisis.

So, I realized it was just the stupid fucking fire alarm and trudged to my closet, taking a few minutes to contemplate the one item of clothing I wanted to keep the most in case the building really was about to go up in flames. I gave up and didn't take anything, walking out my front door to find my neighbors congregated in the hallway, where the alarm was even fucking louder.

"There isn't really a fire is there?" I yelled to some girl over the noise.

"Um, I hope not!" she yelled back.

I figured that was about as good enough an answer as any so I went back into my apartment and laid on my futon until the stupid fucking alarm turned off. Which it didn't fully, by the way, until about 2:30.

Of course, since fate seems to hate me, it went off again at 5 AM.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Room for Squares

So my father and sister left a couple days ago... I'm officially on my own again. It's a little frightening after four months of complete dependence on the fact that I wasn't alone.

The quiet is a little deafening.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Stalk me!

Oooh.. colorful! So this is pretty much what my schedule looks like this semester. Yes, it took me thirty-seven hours to get it to be that perfect size and color. Obviously, I have no life.

My classes this fall shouldn't be too bad. I'm pushing to schedule a 9 o'clock instead of an 8 o'clock Spanish, for obvious reasons. Defense is actually my judo class and I've got nonverbal communication somewhere up there.

School started Wednesday and so far everything's been pretty smooth-running. Some of my classes are going to require a lot of reading but it could be worse I suppose. This campus is huge but it's no bigger than Penn State. I just need to learn some short cuts because I have a feeling I'm taking some pretty inconveniently long routes to some of my classes.

On Tuesday night we had a welcoming ceremony on the main lawn and there was a big rain storm (ironic, huh? the first time it rains that bad in a month). We all got soaked, but it was still pretty spectacular. And at least it cooled us down a little.

I really really want to see John Mayer at the Austin City Limits festival on the 16th, but I don't have anybody to go with. Pleeease somebody accompany me? I'll buy the tickets!