Honey, why you calling me so late?

Fuck but my head hurts like a bitch.
So it's been an interesting week. I dropped a class for the first time ever since I started college. International communication. Ugh, I feel like throwing up just thinking about it. I barely did any of the readings and when I did, the only thing I could think was 'WTF? *cries*'. Also, he was a ridiculously harsh grader. Here is an excerpt from the introduction of my first writing assignment:
In this reading, Benedict Anderson dissects the genesis of the “modern nation”as we know it. He equates it to the interaction and interdependence of capitalistic movements and print with and to the emergence of the “fatality of human linguistic diversity”.
Yes, I pulled that out of my ass after reading the World's Most Complicated Chapter In Existence about the history of human liguistic diversity and how it led to the foundation of the modern nation. What the fuck, right? And I kept going in much the same manner for Three Fucking Pages. I spent almost an entire week trying to compose those three fucking pages and what do I get? 17 out of 40. SEVENTEEN out of fucking forty. That's like what, an F? I have never ever failed an assigment in my entire life.
My pride was massively injured. So, I just dropped the godforsaken class.
Uhh. What do you think that says about my reaction to a threat?
Some amusing pictures from this week:

Proof that I can fuck up just about anything in the kitchen.

(Click it) This is for Tima. I love the internet. I have no freaking clue what the 'balls' window was all about.